About Fix My Math

You Are Not Alone

While thinking about you recently, and being a sociologist, I got the idea to do an internet search for “Common Regrets of American Adults”.
What I found was a “TOP 10” List which you might find interesting. Look at these four regrets that made the list:
-“Not finishing college” -“Not doing better in high school especially in math -“Not getting my dream job” -“Not buying my dream house”
Maybe you are actually living with some of these regrets yourself. Maybe you are just hoping not to become a “statistic”.  Either way, you can do something NOW to put yourself in a better position to live your life with fewer regrets.
FixMyMath is unquestionably the perfect first step toward changing your Basic Math reality. Could a change in your confidence and functional ability really change your whole life? We believe it will. We turn fear into confidence. We help people just like you change failure into success every day!
While checking Math Blogs on the internet I came across this quote from Pyracantha of Electron Blue:
“Math can frustrate people and take them down like almost nothing else. There is only so much failure and frustration a person can take.”
No matter how or why you screwed up in school. No matter how your education may have failed you FixMyMath will help you solve your Basic Math nightmare. Like everybody else, you need to be able to function every day using BASIC MATH SKILLS.  
FixMyMath will change failure into success for you too!
Girls + Math = Fail
Are you female?    There is a boatload of research that finds the American educational system guilty of sabotaging its students’ mathematics education, especially if you are female!
Check this out from Change.org/education:
Girls learn to suck at math from teacher insecurities.
Girls + Math = Fail
XX chromosome can’t do math.
Most primary school teachers can go through college math-free, so they’re overall more likely to have insecurities.  And since an overwhelming majority of elementary teachers are women, they are passing on the message that girls suck at math and it’s OK.
Randolph E Schmidt, Associated Press Science writer adds, “Little girls may learn to fear math from the women who are their earliest teachers.”
Erin Moss, a frequent blogger on various current topics says, “Math is just another dirty four letter word, an awful obstacle that they (students) probably won’t overcome”. Moss blames parents, for passing down their own math anxiety to their children.
Stereotypes? A thirty-seven year old Asian man wants you to know, “I suck at math, and I don’t know Karate!”
President Obama told school kids in his now famous “First Day of School Speech” in September 2009, "I was fortunate. I got a lot of second chances. Here in America you write your own destiny. You make your own future,”

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